Abhyanga (AH-bee-YUNG-ga) Full body massage with sesame oil (coconut can be used for cooling purposes. If high kapha, use mustard oil)
Agni (AHg-nee) Our internal fire responsible for all digestion and assimilation.
Ama (AH-muh) Undigested food, toxic.
Ayurveda (eye-yer-VAY-duh) Knowledge of life, or life science
Buddhi (BooDHEE) Our wisdom
Dhatus (DAH-tooz) Tissues. There are 7: Rasa (plasma), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (fat), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow), Shukra (reproductive tissues)
Doshas (DOE-shuz) The 3 energies that govern our bodies, vata, pitta and kapha.
Kapalbhati (KAHpula-BAHtee) Pranayama of forceful exhalation, removing all toxins. Literally translating to “glowing” or “shining skull.”
Kapha (KAHF-uh) the dosha made of water and earth, responsible for lubrication and construction.
Namaste (nah-mas-tay) an exchange between two people. Means “The divinity in me sees the divinity in you.” With hands together at heart center, you take a small bow and say, “namaste.”
Ojas (OH-jus) The essence of shukra dhatu (reproductive tissues). The substance that maintains life. It is the essential energy of our vitality, immunity, strength, luster and health.
Pitta (PITT-uh) the dosha made of fire and water, responsible for transformation and digestion.
Prakruti (Prak-ROO-tee) our unique makeup. The combination of doshas that create our unique, balanced and healthy self.
Pranayama (Pra-nah-YAH-mah) Breathing exercises. The act of controlling your breathing for health benefits of the mind, body, and soul.
Tri-gunas (tri-GOO-nuz) What influences all things in our mind, body and spirit. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas
Vata (VAH-tuh) the dosha made of air and space, responsible for all movements. King of the doshas. Pitta and Kapha cannot move without it.Tri-gunas (tri-GOO-nuz) What influences all things in our mind, body and spirit. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas
Vata (VAH-tuh) the dosha made of air and space, responsible for all movements. King of the doshas. Pitta and Kapha cannot move without it.
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